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» PLR & eBook Store

Overview: Getting Started
Promote using any method you like.
The MORE you promote, the MORE WAYS you promote, the MORE often you promote - the more PLACES you promote -
the MORE you can earn from sales referrals.
ALL the tools, resources, and software you need are in your Member area.
If you want to focus on Social Media marketing here's what to do.
Focus on the Big 5
- You Tube
and 1 MORE to tie all your social media in together - your BLOG.
Social Resources for Promotion
- Access the Landing Pages and start posting (ad Examples in your Member area)
- Access the GRAPHICS Gallery for images and videos to post.
- If you need HOW-TO access the PLR Vault and search for products on social media.
- Use your included LAZY Blogger to post to your blog. Need content for your Blog? look in your included ARTICLE MARKETING Directory.
- Your Blog or your Videos can and should be niche / topic - specific.
- Product or Service Reviews
- Demonstrations
- How-To
- Educational / Tutorial / Informational
- Include links to your site/optin/shares.
- Search engines LOVES videos. Do short specific quality content videos.
Want to create your OWN customized graphics - use the Graphics Studio (at cost for Silver members)
Included in Platinum VIP membership.
Bottom line
Your takeaway is this... YOUR SALES are the direct result of your PROMOTION.
Social media is a powerful way to promote to the masses.
No need to be an expert just be a PROMOTER.
Integrate social media as ONE MORE way to get Associate sign ups and grow your email marketing list, followers.
Promotion is the OXYGEN of your business.
EVERYTHING you need is in your Worldprofit MEMBER AREA.
Get MORE results - FASTER! By employing social media marketing to all your other forms of promotion, safelists, exchanges, classifieds etc
Attend George Kosch's Weekly LIVE Bootcamp Workshop for hands on demonstrations and tips
Yours In Success,
George Kosch Capt (ret'd) CEO & CoFounder Worldprofit.com